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New Earth Woman Movement

R  E  S  O  U  R  C  E  S

S  A  N  C  T  U  A  R  Y

Click on below images in order to download your recordings. 

If you have any questions about hypnosis, simply download
the hypnosis information sheets. 

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Check out my other offerings...

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Welcome to the New Earth Woman S A N C T U A R Y!

My name is Stepanka and it is my mission on Earth to support other women in rising into their greatness, full potential and inner glow. I believe that you can have it all. 


I use a combination of different tools, such as clinical hypnosis, coaching, emotional freedom technique ( tapping ), neuro-linguistic programming, energy healing and cognitive-behavioural therapy when supporting my clients. 


I guide soul-centred women to follow their deeper callings, to become unstoppable, empowered and stop being held back by fears, insecurities & anxiety. I help them to become the most magnetic and glowing version of themselves, so that they can create a life of their dreams. 

Amazing things happen when you open

yourself up to receiving support.


Pink Sky

Ready to upgrade your energy?

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Welcome to the Inner

Glow Podcast.


Each episode is designed to help you feel empowered, confident and to help you create the life of your dreams. 


Make yourself a nice cup of tea, coffee, or cacao, coze up and binge on those epic episodes that will change your life. 




Join Stepanka's free empowering community for women called New Earth Women


This is a place to be if you want to feel inspired, binge watch free content, ask questions, get free readings, receive support and connect with other like-minded women. 


Let’s get you to your next expansion level now.

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Music is good for the soul and dancing is an amazing way to shift your energy and mindset.


Let the music remind you of your infinite power. You are beautiful. You are divine. You are a gift to this world.


The Universe wants you to thrive and be happy. 


Enjoy! Have fun!

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